Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Adventure and Exploration

Paul's Transport Service. ha ha! Look forward to some "boiler room" activity in the next month and some tribal beat recipes, cooking it up down at Cafe DeBar

Exotic musical Instruments hand crafted and available at 10,000 villages will weave their way into the appropriate hands for deep tribal grooves. Chuck on didgeridoo yes i googled it now. A totally "D Flat set" of rich earth tones. mix this with "singing bowls" rain sticks and of some sweet skins.

(I tune the 57 Martin down to Db Ab Db Gb Ab Db the resonance of this as it melds with the DIDG! WOW! then anyone can hop on an analog synth or rhodes and play black keys.) it all swirls together to create a DEEP VIBE!

To say it in english, i'm planning another evening down at Cafe DeBar. "Paul and the Apostles". when I have some 'linear type details' I'll let you know.

Please note that I've added a link to Ben Pasley's Blue Renaissance site. we touched base via electronic mail recently. There are a few songs and some articles of Ben's which really moved me over the past couple years and have helped challenge and shape my thinking. It was after reading his article on "A question for worship leaders" that I got turned on to emergent village (which is rather dull now without THE forum- yes a loooong "e" on the THE) and subsequently into all sorts of other strange things.

There are some aspects to Ben and and Robin's community which I think will be of major interest to those who read this blog. Lots to learn there. why not here? I'll be looking for comments here guys and gals.

heading down to Lethbridge Canada Day weekend and then (God willing) down to Spokane Washington for the fourth of July...now "that'll be a trip".

I wasn't able to venture down to The Transmillenial conference in Colarado, would've been nice, I hear from Jay and Kevin that is was fantastic. My heart was there but the Great Gardener has got me diggin' in my own dirt for now, which is GOOD. check presence in the next while cause Tim usually posts some of the teaching etc. I just appreciate the fact that Tim was actually interested and willing to let me share at the conference, even though I couldn't make it happen..this year.

I know this post was "all over the map", which is maybe why it's called Adventure and Exploration. Just a bunch of random maps that need more definition from YOU.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Old "Blog Material" that I found

I'll have to decipher this one as wel. I was looking up some old documents and came across it....

I was sitting in the bathtub thinking about some relationships that are being built in the Strathcona area. Terry, Dave, Emile, Roy, Kevin and as I considered their respective “church” affiliation I began pondering what role I play in seeing these various men and their groups becoming connected in a more organic way. I’ve also been meditating on what it means to walk out the kingdom of God, how to form a “public presence” where people can get a glimpse and touch of Christ’s love. All this in the midst of afragmented world with what seems to be a “unilateral superpower” or what I’ve come to recognise as an Empire. As I soaked I thought about how difficult it is for the U.S. to fight the “war on terrorism”. Why? Because of the cellular nature of the terrorist organizations. I’ve been pondering, how can those of us with the love of God spread the message of hope, peace and freedom in a non-violent yet equally “hard to get at” method as the terrorists. As people, churches and organizations we all have a “shape”. We need the grace to look at ourselves and see “what kind of shape we are in”. We need to identify the areas of our shape that may be lacking. That’s our “negative”. Then we need eyes to see others and their “positive”. The protrusions of their shape fit the chunks missing in our shape so that we come together there is a cohesion.

I googled “cellular emergence”. This is from from a very long and involved paper

The plant primary cell wall is a dynamic structure that exhibits considerable spatial and temporal variability in terms of composition and organization, reflecting a balance between wall synthesis, deposition, reorganization and selective disassembly. This is achieved through the coordinated action of a battery of wall synthesizing and modifying enzymes that collectively provide a mechanism for regulating cell size, shape and cell-cell adhesion. Thus, selective modification of wall architecture is an integral part of processes as diverse as cellular growth


One possibility is that the mechanical force generated by growth of the pericycle may induce XTH expression at these sites, and XET action may aid either wall loosening required for cellular emergence, or wall repair as the nascent lateral root pushes through the cortex and

None of us “have it all” and some of the “wall loosening” is so we can be honest and humble about our strengths and weaknesses and get on with getting connected. Once 2 cells, people or groups have joined they become larger and stronger but alas a new weakness or gap is found as a result of the merger. Now other grouped cells can be seen as a benefit and the cycle continues.

My prayer is that over the next few days I witness an expression of this process.


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Experimenting at "ZED"

I found a cool service through CBC and ZED tv. I can actually record content / video and audio directly to my web browser. check it out. It only played back for me in explorer, netscape choked on it for some reason.

I Fashion the Finger



Monday, June 20, 2005

Make no little plans

"Make no little plans, they have no magic to stir men's blood."

Listen to Tim's download today

I confess that over the past few months I've begun settling for much less than previously anticipated. My blogging has been bits and pieces of what seems to have been an era of dreaming big dreams. visions and dreams are great but without plans they are seldom reached and the non fulfillment of them can certainly make the heart sick.

Big dreams require BIG plans, plans that "stir men's blood". So I better stir my own today, throwing off the weight of self doubt, fear and depression. I will reflect again on the hugeness of the vision / dream and step up to the plate with the appropriate size bat.

after months feeling like i had a "full count", sensing that any moment could be the one that would set in motion a run, and then thinking I had "struck out", I'm realizing that each day is a new pitch, each moment is a new pitch. I'm gonna "stand in there".



Thursday, June 09, 2005


Athasbaska University


audio running smoothly, will be hangin with andy delorme and friends down at the "River House". I've got some gear etc.

There's a fella around has some major broadcast ability.

I finally got a decent shower and need to "get back to work".


I obviously wasn't able to blog a great deal while i was away. Had a great time at Athabasca with Tim Moores and the crew. As mentioned Andy and I played up at the River House in Athabasca. Tim surprised us with his percussion skills. We had a really good thing going, taking turns doing original compositions...what a blast!

I carried on to meet Debbie and the band at Rangeton Park near Mayerthorpe last Saturday. they were behind schedule of course and we didn't play till 11:30. I think next time we'll throw in some covers as it's quite the party they have going up there.

I'm playing again at Cafe Debar again Saturday night and have invited Andy to join me. Things get underway around 8:00 and go till around 11:00. Also will be doing "Cats in the Cradle" at co-ho on Sunday with Glen and Bob.

Happy Father's Day

Nothing more for now.


Monday, June 06, 2005

The Incredibles

We finally watched "The Incredibles".



That's cool! that's what you get when you type the word "WOW" in "wingdings" An ear surrounded by audio. Surround Sound, Immersive Experience. Gatherings of an organic nature.

I'm at cafe Debar, listening to "god's holy land". There's a place for me here. There's a place for us all. The Christ has come and is with us so we can "be outposts of heaven in and upon this earth now!"

I know I didn't get too far into the organic garden thingy, i'm so easily distracted. On to the movie. I could so relate to the Father character in the movie. In fact my whole family. We've done the same thing...tried to be "normal". I like the scene with the mom and the boy, after he had been "caught" putting a tack on the teachers chair. She says something like "everybody's special" the boy frowns, looks out the window and says "which is another way of saying 'nobody is' ".

It's often hard for people with extraordinary gifts, talents and abilities and vision to lead "normal lives". I came away from the show with a deeper appreciation of my wife and 4 children and even myself. We're all "Incredible" and that is more than OK.

Like the little neighbor kid in the movie when asked "what?" says. "I'm waiting to see something amazing". No more allowing the fear of being too incredible hold us back from WOWing the world.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Organic Gardens in the postmodern matrix

Nice of some illusive friends to have dropped by for some cryptic replies. "Bogdan very happy". Ah "organic growth". At one point last year while in the throes of my evangelicalism foundational crumblings a line from a cockburn song became my mantra for a number of weeks.

"See them rising like grass through cement"

from "Santiago Sunrise"

This is such a powerful image and metaphor for growing pockets of community in this present age. The once smooth pavement of the modern age, including the smooth mechanized manouverings of the modern church are crumbling not from some outer force (as in a meteorite) but from beneath the surface. Grassroots are stubborn snarly mothers that attract soil and can literally crack and shatter hardened manmade structures and systems that are no longer effective or useful or that have even become abusive.

Taken from an ecological environmental perspective opens up yet another can of delicious earth worms.

Gotta dig in you own dirt man and grow up some good veggies and greens, cook up some transmodern stew. That's what I like about the "new man in office" where I'm hangin out. More on that later, but symbolically I opened his office door this morning and the aroma of slow cooked grub filled the gathering atmosphere. How many are aware of what's in store? I don't know but i know that this guy has been "stewing" for years and has some real good tasty stuff ready to unleash. There still seems to be so much "modern equipment" laying around and seems to me there is so little awareness of the organic nature of community. Anyways I digress and slide into my own sort of cryptic chatter.

All I can say for now as a hint of what's to come is: cooking, drumming, chanting and exploring new worlds and realms of possibilities. Not serving up old stale bread from a stale old era.

It is a new time. A fresh time.
