The Incredibles
We finally watched "The Incredibles".
That's cool! that's what you get when you type the word "WOW" in "wingdings" An ear surrounded by audio. Surround Sound, Immersive Experience. Gatherings of an organic nature.
I'm at cafe Debar, listening to "god's holy land". There's a place for me here. There's a place for us all. The Christ has come and is with us so we can "be outposts of heaven in and upon this earth now!"
I know I didn't get too far into the organic garden thingy, i'm so easily distracted. On to the movie. I could so relate to the Father character in the movie. In fact my whole family. We've done the same thing...tried to be "normal". I like the scene with the mom and the boy, after he had been "caught" putting a tack on the teachers chair. She says something like "everybody's special" the boy frowns, looks out the window and says "which is another way of saying 'nobody is' ".
It's often hard for people with extraordinary gifts, talents and abilities and vision to lead "normal lives". I came away from the show with a deeper appreciation of my wife and 4 children and even myself. We're all "Incredible" and that is more than OK.
Like the little neighbor kid in the movie when asked "what?" says. "I'm waiting to see something amazing". No more allowing the fear of being too incredible hold us back from WOWing the world.
That's cool! that's what you get when you type the word "WOW" in "wingdings" An ear surrounded by audio. Surround Sound, Immersive Experience. Gatherings of an organic nature.
I'm at cafe Debar, listening to "god's holy land". There's a place for me here. There's a place for us all. The Christ has come and is with us so we can "be outposts of heaven in and upon this earth now!"
I know I didn't get too far into the organic garden thingy, i'm so easily distracted. On to the movie. I could so relate to the Father character in the movie. In fact my whole family. We've done the same thing...tried to be "normal". I like the scene with the mom and the boy, after he had been "caught" putting a tack on the teachers chair. She says something like "everybody's special" the boy frowns, looks out the window and says "which is another way of saying 'nobody is' ".
It's often hard for people with extraordinary gifts, talents and abilities and vision to lead "normal lives". I came away from the show with a deeper appreciation of my wife and 4 children and even myself. We're all "Incredible" and that is more than OK.
Like the little neighbor kid in the movie when asked "what?" says. "I'm waiting to see something amazing". No more allowing the fear of being too incredible hold us back from WOWing the world.
The "wing dings" font obviously doesn't translate in html land.
Well try it yourself, open up a word processor and type "wow" with wingding font.
Of course you would come by Dabar when I'm not there... but then, we couldn't drink a cold ale there anyway, hey?
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