Metis Flag and infinity

I was driving up 124th Street yesterday and this symbol caught my eye. It was at a Metis Dance place. I went in and found out more. This was the 1st Canadian Flag which pre-dates the Maple Leaf by 150 years!

The guy I spoke to said it represents the mixing of blood but also relates to the infinity symbol.
This all leads me further to believe that the X-88 is very much something I have stumbled upon rather than "invented" and that there is a deep connection with the universe. The similarity IS striking.
I have a great deal of respect for the Metis and am reminded once again of my interest in St. Boniface, what with Festival de Voyageur just around the corner. More on this over at From The Center
Hi My name Is Rene Proulx x Man.
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Re c d
Hi I just found out if you pre
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Marsi un vyeu Mechif Rene
Was the dictionary used to write this message?
This is for Chuck
What i q Have you really
got Chuck Your [ Ignorance ]
Will get you no where
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