Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Going deep but keeping it light


why radiance creative? I used to own a record company called radiance records. I was poised to dominate the world music industry. (tehe) it crashed. i'm involved in a lot more than records now, i've had some wild dreams, some deep visions. my philosophy of life, theology and understanding of micro and macro worlds has undergone shift after shift leaving me feeling like the "silver surfer"

As a child we sang "on christ the solid rock i stand, all other ground is sinking sand" Well one thing's true. christ is the rock but I've discovered that he can be like "liquid rock"..............

otherwise known as lava i suppose. this phrase has found it's way into at least 2 of my recent songs. i'm pretty sure that's OK. all the talk and conversation about the "emergent church". yes there is something emerging. it is literally "new ground". but damn is it ever hot to stand on, well really it's impossible to stand on, so you gotta dance. just keep dancing while it cools down.

-------I just had to go run a baseball glove to my son and I seized the opportunity to run to IGA for some coffee grounds. A sign at catholic school read, "A new journey, go with God". OK, I'll do it--------

back to "why radiance?" There is a radiant energy and light that comes from liquid rock. the new territory comes from within. the new place that we have in christ is brought into actuality by having somewhere we can "erupt".

Since January 2005 i've been on a new journey. a journey I wanted to share with the whole world. i became over extended in my imagination of what was possible. it's all good but i became frustrated and depressed when reality kept rearing it's ugly head.

so this is why i want to "go deep" but "keep it light". not everyone is interested in dancing on hot lava but some folks might want to watch and then come check it out after things have cooled down a bit. sharing a deep message with fun and light

so instead of trying to give you a photograph of just what the hell i'm talking about. i'm going to give a series of maps. bits and pieces of the journey. how presumptuous of me to ever have thought that I had a photograph anyways. i'm such an old fool!

I do have a series of video and audio clips which could act as maps, if not just good entertainment. I'll naturally be posting lyrics and music here as that's what I'm best at.



Blogger Matt Thompson said...

Paul, consider yourself linked.

BTW, I have no desire to dance on the lava either, but my master is calling. Perhaps we can hold on to eachother every once in awhile.

2:58 PM  
Blogger Erika said...

Hi, Paul.

Liquid rock is right - sure is hot to stand on. Being part of the whole "emergent church" thing is like taking a leap into the dark - good thing God has good night vision.

5:03 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

Have you ever seen lave flowing into the ocean, how it bubbles and cracks as it cools. That's so cool! What?...I have no idea what that has to do with anything...but it's cool!

9:17 PM  

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