Wednesday, July 11, 2007

not THAT kind of evolution

Been watching some interesting tapes on Creation. I don't jive with all his "doctrine" but some facinating stuff on Creation. This guy, Dr. Hovind, is offering a quarter million dollars to anyone who can prove evolution.

Now here is an intereting site Evangelical Environmental Network


Blogger Bernard (ben) Tremblay said...

"Prove" evolution? Impossible. We can't even "prove" gravity.

Shows how creationists begin by getting things inside-out/backwards.

Science works by /disproving/ theories ... it doesn't /prove/ anything, anytime; an experiment is an attempt to /break/ the theory. If the experiment doesn't manage to break it, then the theory is in some sense confirmed.
Creationism works by ignoring material reality. And the foundations of western thought. Because those who press the agenda know that there's a very real social utility to believing just like a large group of others believe.
A lot of Muslim thinkers are very concerned by how fundamentalists in their religion are picking up tactics and methods from the religious right.

p.s. "prove the theory" would get you flunked out of an undergrad philosophy course ... maybe even flunked out of a high-school science course.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Paul Seburn said...

Well I don't think that creationist is necessarily synomonous with the religious right. Evolutionary theory is actually very new compared to the creation story, much like the flood story. There are 270 known flood legends which all trace people's ancestory back to some kind of world wide flood. I think that's a little too much to ignore but the evolutionist seems to find a way.

I see much more evidence for a creator in the creation than I see the possibility of billions and billions of years or chance.

It's interesting to me how according to evolution the age of the earth seems to increase with every text book published.

I ask how can we look at creation and not acknowledge the Creator. It's like looking at a car and imagining that it just somehow came together over thousands of years. Design so obviously points to a designer, builder and sustainer.

Like I said in my post I don't jive with this guys doctines or stand behind his polemic but the evidence he provides for a young earth, dinosours existing WITH humans, the fact of the flood are overwhelming and remind me of the great Love of the Creator of All.

I wouldn't defend others use of creationism to forward a social political agenda...that's sure not why I believe it, I'm not into culture wars. But it's amazing to me how much folks have swallowed concerning evolutionary theory as if it was indeed fact.

nice to hear from you ben

10:10 AM  

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