Monday, April 21, 2008


curiously a lot like x-88, infinity and the Metis flag huh?

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Mosaic Voices

I came across this site last night. It reminded me of some of the thoughts and ideas I had while I was still in Alberta, things that I have neglected to follow through on for a number of reasons I suppose. The great eastern move required far too much practicality. Here is a quote from Michael Meade and a link to his site.

"Mythic imagination is a primordial resource of the human heart that combines heart-felt intelligence with a reverence for life in its myriad forms. When times become tragic and dark with uncertainty, what is missing is the touch of eternity and a mythic sense of being woven within the ongoing story of the world."

from The Water of Life

by Michael Meade